Thursday, September 13, 2012


Well, just as expected, this weekend didn't disappoint. It was full of fun and enough laughter to make you piss your pants!! Most importantly, we were blessed to spend time with some great friends!! Over the course of the weekend, I think we played about 495 darts games! Whew! And yes, you know I won...well some anyway. Hell maybe like 1 if you're gettin picky. Everybody always says "it's the  thought that counts". In that case I think I'm a champion, and that's what counts! Ha!! Friday Ant and I had lunch with Becky then took care of some business (aka went shoppin) til Kenny got off work. Then we went and played darts while we waited for our friends to joint us. Finally Becky and Micah got there along with some others and we then played the first 225 dart games of the weekend! Of course there was alcohol involved, and yep- as always- I was the (responsible one) dd.  We went to Huddle House and nearly froze to death!! That may have impacted our decision making- not the beer of course.  That's when we decided we are gonna go sky diving. Yep, we really are all 5 gonna jump out of a plane and play real hard we don't die after doing somethin that could be considered an attempt to die. Now y'all know that's gonna be some funny shit right there!!! Im pretty sure I'm gonna have to wear a diaper or everyone else, including the birds, will be wearing my piss! I wonder I'd you could make yellow clouds like dogs make yellow snow... Then y'all could all see my work up there from your house! Hell you're probably gonna hear me screaming at your house anyway! I about pissed and screamed to death when we zip lined over Fremont St in Vegas. I guess for safety, no one needs to be to close or have a video camera on me. Lol. Then they guys also decided they are gonna go hog huntin! Boy are theses next few months gonna be interesting!! On Saturday, we slept in as usual. Kenny brought Ant and me some lunch, and I spent about 2 or 3 hours  getting ready when I could've done in about 30 minutes. Oh well- stopping and enjoying the flowers. Lol. Then we went and ATTEMPTED to get pineapple juice ( thanks to Ant and Shell it was a fail) then went to listen to the band play. That's we're we played the other hundred dart games.  "A good time was had by all." LOL! Then came Sunday...a day that used to be for rest. Pretty sure I worked harder that day than I did any other day the last week, but it was worth it. The 3 (stooges- that's what we looked like) went to work in a friends vineyard. We were planting roses. Me being the wine expert I am, had to ask if roses was used somewhere in the process of making wine because I was real confused why we were plantin roses. And the beat part is that I have NO green thumb at all. I planted flowers one year- then never came up, and I killed all the plants this year. So it's a good thing we had supervision. Anthony and Kenny used some thing to dig the holes...I wanna call it an ogre but I'm pretty sure that's what Shrek is soooo I don't think that's what it was...but it did give them a work out! I stuck to using the shovels and my hands. I may not know much about that gardening stuff but unlike Anthony, I do know the difference in a shovel and a ho (insert sarcastic joke about hoes here ;) hehe)  After most of the roses were planted, we - and by "we" I mean "they"- cut down a huge old tree which was entertaining to watch. Thanks to the cutting down of the tree, we were able to the the "Cedar hayride". I'm sure you can imagine how the princesses did with this... Lol. Good times.  After the work was done for the day, we decides to eat mexican. And of course because we looked like homeless people who had just been given a gift certificate to eat instead of cash so it couldn't be used for drugs, we would see what seemed like 30 people we knew. I guess it could be worse though, somehow.  And not to disappoint, we are still have scary movie nights- thanks to Anthony. You know, there's somethin wrong about gettin a scary movie and makin your beef watch it and then singing "1, 2, Freddy's comin for you.." to someone who is already scared. NOT COOL.  And we have still been bat chases since the last one- thank goodness! I ain't tryin to get rabies and shit!! But I did find a dead turtle on accident. :( Thats pretty much besides the point though lol. We are all super excited that some of our TV shows are back on!! I am overjoyed at this because I'm hopin this will decrease the amount I scary movies I see. :/  We have a packed full weekend ahead, and I am SURE there will be great things to share with you all!!  Tonight we are going to storm chaser class!! Pretty sure we are gonna be experts- like one step under meteorologists ;) ha. This should be entertaining to say the least...and so will the first storm I attempt to chase lol.  Happy Friday Eve!! Xoxo- B

Friday, September 7, 2012



Yes, I realize its been like 2 weeks, but hey at least it hasn't been 2 months!! :D Some improvement is better than none.

Well, as we typically do, we will recap what you've missed with "A girl, A guy, and A gay" since your last visit. ;)

These past few weekends have been a change of pace for us. We have kinda become "home bodies"- which is a complete opposite from where we were about a month ago. But we realize we like it this way. So, we are currently searching for that "happy medium". Our weekends have been consisting of cooking and drinking...pretty much. ( NO, we aren't a bunch of soughts.... or whatever that word is lol *You know you were thinking it! And I never said what we were drinking! ;) *) One of our latest renewed favorites is Karaoke and game night!! We are some karaoke kings and queens! Thanks to Apple and YouTube, we pretty much have any and every karaoke song we could ever want playing on the big screen in the living room! And you know we got microphones even though you could hear us next door without out. Now karaoke is something our friends take pretty serious. You would think that we were training for the OLYMPICS of karaoke y'all!!! It is pretty hilarious. And no fear, I have PLENTY of videos. See, thats the thing with karaoke- you think you sound good UNTIL you listen to yourself!!  lol Oh and don't even challenge any of us to play you in apples to apples or things because one of us is guaranteed to win both. And you will for sure probably feel the most uncomfortable you've felt in a long time while the rest of us are splittin our britches and pissin our pants laughin.  But we have a ball, and it also gives the guys "practice time" for the cookin team. You know theres always gonna be some sort of food when we all get together. Its like going to a family reunion without ever eating- ain't gonna happen (as long as you know who brought what food at the reunion- you KNOW what i'm talking about! ) But I will give the men much credit because this past weekend, they made some smoke turkey and that shit was some fire!!! I was actually impressed lol. I have to say, Kenny is actually quite a cook. Thats exactly why I believe that he should cook here at home because if I know I'm gonna burn it, I might as well let him do it and we won't waste money!! See, look at me being all conservative. Hey, times are hard and waste shouldn't be an option and thats exactly what it would be if I cooked! hehe 

While we have been on our home body kick, we have tapped into the movie world. Well its more like we jumped head first. I'm pretty sure we have a watched a movie everyday for the past 2 weeks. But they've actually all been good. However, Anthony thinks that EVERY movie should be a scary movie. Uhh HELLO!! Do you wanna sit up all night with me?? Didn't think so. Hes so cray-cray. And he knows his ass has been scared too! lol. Heck, after the eatin, partying, and drinking, I'm surprised we all ain't bustin out of our pants! Woo, I needed to have been walking like 5 miles a day at least! Thank to gimpy- my jacked up foot- I have hindered in that area. But anyways, OHH! Back to where I was,,,,So if you see me looking scared or being quiet the next few days, its because them movies done made me crazy!! LOL

One of the more hilarious moments lately has been Ant attempting to bake Chess Squares. Bless it, he did try though.... 2 pans thrown away, another trip back to the store, and my baking them "assistance" in baking them, he did redeem himself. Bless it, it was like one of them moments you see on tv where they're talking about how awful some food was and the picture of it was a textbook fail. And before someone complains, I am grateful and not making fun of him. I even told him that Paula Deen had to have had at least 1 fail somewhere!!! LOL The peanut butter balls we made were a pretty nice redemption to any failure too lol. Redemption occurred with those for sure!

There are a few other tidbits....
Last night we almost got blown away in storm -Ant says it felt like the Carrie Underwood video. Well, a cute big dog came up that belonged several streets over and you know we couldn't just leave it outside. SOOO he ended up in the guest bath for a little while :)

My foot is feeling like its on the mend! HOPEFULLY it will be back to normal soon!

Anthony has taken a different road is his career life. We are SO excited for him!!

We played the BEST joke on a friend the other day by janking chairs off of her porch so she thought someone stole them. Boy did she raise some hell UNTIL she walked out and they were on our front porch! ha! Too funny!

Oh, and I want to personally thank my sweet husband, THE GUY in all these stories, for going to get me ice cream Monday just because he was being nice. Bless it :)

Now that we've watched a ridiculous amount of scary movies lately, Kenny is pleasantly snoring away! Must be nice. And Anthony has tried to scare me with Jack-Jack, the pet snake that's fake. I'm going to take all of this as my cue for some R&R!!! 

Have a fabulous weekend!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

**Public Service Announcement**

Ok y'all, here's the Public Service Announcement:

And by that we mean sorry ass bloggers! lol Yes, we have been too caught up in living life we ain't had time to write about it! But, never fear!! We will lay your questions and requests to rest tonight because FINALLY, its a new blog post!  (Obviously! lol )

So, let me see what fabulousness you've missed out on....

First off, we have 2 new members of our little family- Molly and Rambo! They are the cutest two little Beta fish you have ever seen (obviously they take after me ha!) Molly belongs to yours truly and my nephew, Rambo, belongs to Ant. What about Kenny you ask? Well, he was smart and didn't get a fish because he knew in hindsight he got 2 without actually gettin 1. Yep, he was right on the money! But it has been a few weeks, and they are still alive- which is more than I expected!! Now moving on...

Well, lets see....heres a briefing: Kenny works a lot then comes home and piddles around the house all evening. Anthony works all the time- ereday, nearly 24/7. So, we all 3 hang out for about .5 seconds when he gets home. I work then come home and work in the house- I've actually realized that I like cleaning. Yep. I couldn't believe it either. It must've been like the first time someone stood up in an AA meetin and said that bullshit like "My name is Drunk, and I'm addicted to alcohol." when I finally forced self to come to that realization that I like to clean. Could be worse I guess!!  But, we have managed to make time for fun!! Like there was ANY doubt that we would. We have met some new friends and seen familiar faces that follow our blog out on our "fun" nights! We have ate at Perkins "after hours" so much that the server knows name...I'm not sure thats a good thing! We've had some hilarious cookouts recently involving red doors, bbq, and karaoke. Kenny and Eric had to jump off the lawnmower then Shell and Eric took the boat outback for a spin in the grass. Yep, we photographed it of course! There has been lunch dates, birthday parties, karaoke, going away parties, dinners, band nights, and cookouts!!! WHEW!!  And boy were they all fun! Ant bought me a massive piggy bank with owls on it (I'm in love with owls) SOOO I stole to change from their piggy banks to fill mine....Piggy was hungry!! I actually made some recipes I found on pinterest recently too!! Oh, and I made the boys the cutest candygram baskets! I was excited!

 Hmm... what else...Oh! My sweet bff is getting married!!!! Excited!  My presh little child I've raised this year has went to college today... tear :( BUT I'm so proud of her! Hmm, the little yorkies are just fine. There was one MAJOR incident when one of the dogs chewed the zipper off on my purse to get some gum (stank breath maybe??) and got in some pills and ate a few. No major issues aside from Anthony and I having a shit fit to "save the dogs life" for about 3 hours. Which ended with me crying in the floor at 7am with no sleep for a full 25 hours because Anthony told me the dog was gonna die and it would be my fault. But, no worries, the local vet saved us- props to him!!- and all is well :)
 Kenny has been his typical self with no changes. And Anthony just works and hasn't had much going on either. We have come to enjoy "Friday night movie nights" and "Saturday karaoke madness" at the 1014!! lol

But, that should bring you up to current. We are enjoying Friday night movie night tonight- well some of us are. Kenny is snoring in the chair, Ant is sittin on the couch, and I am on the other end with ice on my foot. Yeah, apparently walking last week may have caused an injury since I can't think of ANY thing I've done to injure it. I guess thats nature's way of showing me I aint suppose to be no size 4! But let me tell you, I've paid for it since! I've had studies done and went to a specialist today and he injected it. LAWD HELP! I screamed and cussed outloud in the office and if front of my mama. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Protect them piggies y'all! That shit hurts! Whew, a needle in the side of your foot- Awful! But if it starts feeling better, like tomorrow, we will be in business!
I suppose I will resume watching this pointless movie Kenny, who is now snoring remember, picked out.

PROMISE we will do better!!!!! Hopefully this filled you in on what you've missed enough for us to carry on from here! I tried to not write a BOOK worth of stuff and y'all know I could! lol.  OH and we are almost up to 1,000- which really IS a shocker!!! Thanks y'all!!!

Thanks for still reading!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Monday's in May

Well, it has been quite a gloomy day in small town USA, and my mood seems to match it.  BUT, its Friday!!!! And Friday the 13th at that. You know, I'm not real sure why "Friday the 13th" was chosen as such a superstitious day. I think it should be like "Thursday the 30th"- that would suck real bad if you had a lisp though. What about "Wednesday the 2nd"? Heck, why not the whole month like "Mondays in May" I mean, Mondays are already bad, and May is so rainy around here. But, they don't let me make the calender and for good reason because the weekend would be M-F and S&S would be the week. Dang y'all we are doing it all baassackwards!! ha!  But heck, them Mayans or whoever made that big calender said this is the last year anyway. 

Well, there hasn't been anything profound happen today...not yet anyway! lol. Work has been gettin in the way of all of our lives lately. Last night K and I were gonna go eat at Ants work, and by nothing less than divine intervention, he was walking out the door as we pulled up. He happen to be gettin off work early. Imagine the disappointment if we would've got there and that little shit would've been on his way home. Dinner wouldn't have been nearly as fun without someone to laugh at. So, we all 3 decided to go get greased up and eat at Bell's . It was real good! The dinner conversations were not suitable for dinner or anyone else to hear- as always lol. On a side note about conversations,  I did stumble upon the guys conversing about what they would do if they were girls. And let me tell you, the world better be glad they ain't girls and glad hand sanitizer was invented in pocket size things in case they ever were! But anyway, back to dinner. So, for some reason, we attract attention when we go somewhere. I used to wonder why, then i really started thinking... I could only imagine seeing the three of us out at dinner somewhere. Anthony had a salad as big as his head- y'all know that shit was big- and Kenny's drinkin water faster than the poor girl could fill it up! And as usual, I had so mayo on my food and Kenny was gonna barf at the thought of seeing it....just like a baby. And we tend to make a mess all the time- well, kenny makes a mess of the table and I make a mess of my clothes lol.  And lawd, we NEVER meet a stranger. Come to think of it, that could be what makes us perfect for our jobs. But, we will talk to anyone about anything which can be scary if you aren't fully prepared lol. I'm sure it is a hilarious experience to see us out somewhere! Y'all know Walmart is the worst because every Tom, Dick, And Harry Pete is in there, and Anthony and I forget we are in our 20s. I tend to push him in the buggy and pick up stuff I think I "need" and throw it in there with him. Poor little Kenny. All he wants to do is get groceries and look at huntin stuff. But, maybe everyone will get to see it if they put us on tv one day- I think we would be a great reality show! lol.

Well, its about that time! Hello weekend! It's gonna be a fabulous one- I hope. Im real excited to see First Degree play. We are like honorary members of the band- in our minds. But really more like groupies lol!! Kenny's gonna cook supper and then who knows where the road will lead once we all 3 get together. Lately, we sorta "go with the flow". I guess you could call us all Nemo. Woah, I may be startin a rap! Watch out Usher!! I'm gonna be a start on the rise! HA!  Anyway, I'm sure some exciting, interesting, 'cant help but piss laughin so hard' stories will occur in the coming hours. No worries, you will be filled in....unless we end up behind a set of bars or something cray cray! :/  eek! But, I'd still fill you in on that too 'cause y'all know that would be some funny shit!! lol

Until then, have a wonderful Friday the 13th evening y'all.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Road Trip is half the fun!

Wow!!! It has seriously been way too long! I have missed filling you in on every detail of our hilarious stories that you can't help but read. It won't be that long again- promise. I'm sure you were wondering if we survived all the birthday dinner/celebrations/ extravaganzas! And we did, barely, but we did. (Madea was FANTASTIC by the way! Hellerrrr!!!)
 So, here is the anticipated and much asked about New Blog!

Well you all (as I was taught to say),WE DID IT (spoken in my best Northern accent which I'm getting good at by the way!) lol. We went to Chicago and managed to stay out of jail and off a slab in the morgue. If you know us well enough, you know it was a small victory for us!!!!  We may have stayed out of the jail and off the slab, but the stripper pole is not something SOME of us stayed off of. I, however, am the only one who didn't take my "Swing of Shame" around the shiny, dirty, crotch-sweat-rubbed-all-over thing. I didn't know the boys had it in them! But, lets go back to the beginning. Oh, and thanks for taking the warning and not trying to jank our stuff while we were gone! :)

Well, of course we all know the road trip is half the fun. For me, it was loads of fun. I didn't drive a single mile the whole way there and I was a "princess in my palace" as Ant called it on the way. In my defense, I didn't get off work til 7, I DID offer to drive, and heck they should've known better when this girl is volunteering to take the back seat on an 8 hour ride. HELLO! But, I had my 3 pillows, satin blanket, phone charger, drink and snacks all in their perfect little place. It was quite a glorious ride for me! lol. Before I knew it, I was in Chicago- ALIVE! Which is also a big deal since Ant drove most of the way. But, importantly, we made it.

Of course sleep was first on my agenda! Then, it was time to celebrate the 4th! Mother nature seriously hates us I think. It was so HOT. It was hotter there than it was at home in the South. blah!! But, we were troopers! We started the day with a swim which was actually nice. We only "horse played" for about 30 minutes! lol. I have to note that Tracy made us a ridiculously good spread for lunch!!! Geez I wish I lived with someone that cooked all the time. ;).  Then, we spent the day at the neighbors with tons of other people. Let me tell you, they know how to throw a block party. We arrived in our matching shirts Anthony has us all get ;/ and Tracy and Allen. *Please reference the photo* Boy you know were were cute in our Red, White, and Blue matching Old Navy tees (I'm sure you can feel sarcasm dripping..jk ant). I haven't intentionally matched anyone since I was like 5...but we were still complimented. I guess when you got it, you got it! :)  But,  The sunshine was beatin down on us and I was so wishing I had picked the white shirt instead of the red. Ugh!  I was thinking if I was a skinny little thing I would've made Ant trade shirts since Ant made us get the shirts! But y'all don't fear, we definitely found ways to stay hydrated!! :D 
Then, they asked me to "throw bags". At first, I was thinking I was gonna literally take and throw a bag, and I decided I was gonna use a garbage bag and stuff Kenny and Anthony in it if I was gonna throw a bag! Then, I realized it was cornhole. I about pissed my pants. (Michelle made up a song a while back about cornhole and Chicago. I never thought I'd see the song come true in any form until that moment. The three of us almost died laughin.) I was Anthony's partner since Kenny made him a new BFF while we were there named Pete. *Pete gave Kenny a new nickname. First it was King, but princess wouldn't have let that last long- good thing they changed it- then it was Opie. So, Opie stayed on their imaginary "bus" and I lost cornhole for Ant and me. I seriously don't think I scored a point. Then it was time to eat and THENNNNN, if you couldn't have guessed- I really wouldn't have (legit)- they had me a birthday cake and candle!! Woo hooo!!! Birthday cake on the Birthday trip (for those who are just joining, Yes, the guys spoil me). That cake was some fire by the way. Such sweet new friends ;). We started shooting fireworks and and then shooting other stuff and I don't mean a gun cause they ain't legal in Illinois (no "s" sound of course). Then, it was time for the real fireworks. Kenny and I thought they were so pretty! Anthony on the other hand, he ended up going to bed in the middle of them (aka falling on the couch) . Bless it, just a baby :). Kenny wasn't far behind. Yep, I was the trooper :) Whew!!! That was a long day!

Thursday was the "Tourist Day" I called it. We were your typical sight-seeing, picture snappin travelers with our thick Southern twang. It was seriously a beautiful city. The bean was so neat as well as Navy pier. I was excited about seeing Lake Michigan. We saw all kinds of great stuff!  But boy was it HOTTTTT! There ain't much shade up there and the heat index was 107. I don't want out of my house if I can help it at 100, much less walk around outside if its 107!! And Kenny, well he just KNEW he had walked 10 miles! He stayed about a mile behind us the whole time lol- bless it, just a baby as well. He said that he was skipping walking at night when we got home for 3 weeks since he walked so much that day. ha! I sure wish someone could've followed us with a camera because I'm pretty sure it was like "My big redneck visit to the City"!! Kenny's camo had did make an appearance y'all! I thoroughly enjoyed it. That night, we had dinner and "threw bags" again. Them folks are real good at that! I did a little better this time. Not good enough for them to let me play more than one game lol. Kenny and Ant did pretty good though. I worked on my tan lol. Then it was time to relax.

Friday was the hot dog day. We went and ate a FABULOUS hot dog! Then, we went to a candy store in Indiana. Oh I needed to be in a candy store. Anthony and I went candy crazy- poor Kenny...we are a handful! lol. Then we had to get ready for dinner. We went to this verrrrry nice restaurant, "The Lighthouse", which was seriously gorgeous and their food was amazing! We couldn't go without laughing at the "special" attention Ant's drinks were getting. His beer was never even halfway empty ;). The BEST part was when Kenny asked the server for Country Bobs!!! Lawd, he looked at Kenny like he was crazy! This is like a 5 star restaurant in Chicago and Kenny's gonna ask for some Country Bobs! Whew, the 3 of us almost didn't recover from that laugh. We were all seriously pissin. It was great! That really would've been a great moment to record! haha I'm laughing just thinking about. Then it was karaoke time!!! Well, the karaoke guy ended up not being able to make it which was such a disappointment after some of us had the bartender thinking Ant was on a terrible blind date. But, time for plan B. We went to another bar that was suppose to have karaoke. They had a dj instead, and becuase they told us wrong, we got free shots! I should've known that was a bad sign.....actually the stripper pole should've been the first sign. lol. But we were having a great time! Our big group was about the only people there....good thing! We didn't really need karaoke or microphones as loud as we were singing! And of course we were dancin!...GET IT!... Then someone tried to take my cowboy's (my husband) hat and I thought I was gonna have to rope her like a pig (I have been to Texas a time or two!). But I took it off her head and didn't hear from her again. And out of no where, "Easy A" came alive! Thats Anthony's stripper name. That kid had moves we didn't even know he knew about. He was so good, someone asked me if he does it every weekend. Then, Kenny wanted his "not so graceful" turn- the arrival of "BK"- Kenny's stripper name. As Anthony was swinging to the bottom and fell on his butt in a graceful manner, Kenny came and was swinging around the top and in a not so graceful moment, fell on Anthony!! It was seriously priceless!! Easy A ended up with a few stalkers and one poor older woman was stalking both the guys! I couldn't do anything but laugh!!!! She was in a red shirt, denim shorts with a visor on and when she smiled, she could've fit a sign in there that said "Next tooth one mile"!!!! She would chase little Anthony all around that pole and run behind Kenny. Anthony swung around the pole and knocked her flat on her rear on accident one time! Bitch should've moved! lol. But, she still jumped up and ran circles around him like a dog in heat as he was swinging around the pole. I didn't have the heart to tell her one was married and one was gay. She even had her money out! I will inform you, Easy A did make some dollars! Holla for a dolla!!!!! Tracy and Allen as well as the rest of our new friends were a HOOT!!!! Poor Allen drove us home while Kenny was cryin because he had to pee and Tracy was seeing fireworks!!! I almost felt bad for the McDonald's worker until I thought about poor Allen, and then I did feel sorry.  Ahhh, it was for sure a good time! 

After rolling in at 3 something that morning. Sleep was on my agenda once again. We decided we needed a more relaxing pace to the day. So, it was ice cream and movie time!!! We finally got to watch TED, and that was hilarious! I realized I needed a thunder buddy! hehe. Then we went to a brewery which was pretty cool. They guys ordered some nasssssty beer. vomit!!! Then, it was home for supper and some cornhole. By this time, my brain felt all bassakwards! It was cold outside!!!! I was in need of a dang blanket. Cray cray! They played for a while (Hell I didn't even try this time lol) Then we wanted to watch step brothers. Princess Anthony chose to stay on his throne and let Kenny and I find the movie store. Well, let me tell you that the store was maybe 3 minutes away IF THAT. We drove around the damn subdivision for 20 trying to figure out how the hell to get out!!!!! LOL  But, we eventually made it there and of course got lost coming the subdivision, but we made it. And we actually remembered the movie lol. Such a good, quality movie. No really, I do like that movie a lot! Everyone fell asleep but me and Ant- troopers. :)

Then it was Sunday- home day :(. But we were stopping at Lambert's so that made it a little better. The road trip home was a good time! You would think 3 people who lived together, have been best friends this long, and spent this much time together would run out of new thing to talk about....boy is that wrong!!! Those were some priceless conversation to Lambert's. We finally made it there, and waited out hour and 45 mins to catch some rolls! I actaully caught one!!  :D Our food was great and then it was time to travel on...homeward bound. They decided princess should drive. That wasn't the best idea, and I wasn't happy about it....but I did it! And we made it home safe!!!!!  It was a wonderful trip!!!!!

Well, today is Thursday, but you haven't missed too much other stuff. All 3 of us have been working mostly. Anthony started his job- which is going great! and K and I have been working away. We finally got to see our long lost friends for dinner, Becky and Micah, on Tuesday! *Reunited and it feels so good* was playing in the background haha! We caught up on our tv shows, PLL, Pawn Stars, etc. Last night was probably one of the funniest moments we have had since we have been home. Kenny, Ant and I sat around talking for a while. Then, Anthony discovered "flippy floppy" and I discovered "wandering warrior". We literally pissed laughing so hard! The boys both had to be up at 5 this am, and princess made an unsuccessful attempt to sleep. But, of course I fell asleep right before the damn alarm clock woke me up. I'm beginning to realize why shouldn't put a song as the alarm on your phone. I realize I hate them 10x faster that way!!! But I guess the guys got the early bird worms, and I got some sleep! Works for me!!! :)

That should bring everything up to speed, hopefully!!! This no doubt a shortened recap of our last week or so. It has been great!! It won't be this long again in length or time that we post. 
Hang on tight because it feels like we are traveling at twice the speed of life!!!!!

Until next time-

xoxo BY

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The day after tomorrow!

Wow! It has been cray-cray around here lately! We have been so busy, there hasn't been time to update....not that I'm complaining. SO, let me bring y'all current.

It was my (if you haven't noticied by the pink, its "the girl" blogging!) birthday Saturday! As I told you before, I was having trouble with the whole 25 thing. So, my special friends went into action mode- esp my hubby and my Beef!! We partied Wednesday night, I had 2 parties on Thursday, one Friday night with an after party, one Saturday night with another after party, another today....and then one more! Whew! 

Wednesday night was the night we ate Mexican for the "going out of town dinner" that turned into a surprise birthday party. Yep, the night Ant had them shove whipped cream on a freakin huge plate in my face AFTER he did it first with his spoon. I'm still telling myself its because I'm very loved. Please note here that I had whipped cream up my nose and its nasty when the inside of your nose is sticky and you try to blow it...TMI yeah I know ha. But, I was happy to celebrate my birthday with Becky and Micah before they left- Love them!! *Special thanks to Micah for the cake and balloons!!   (jk Beef, I know you did it. Thank you!)

Thursday, my sweet little coworkers had me a birthday party- we had lunch and some cupcakes that were lemon ice box and hot fudge- complete with nuts. They was some fire!! Brooke that made them jokers can bake! Get it girl! And they got me a facial which will be coming to me this week. Excited!! Sweet husband had flowers delivered to me at work- yep, they were daisises!!! He knows how to win! Then, Thursday night was the family/close friends dinner. I am SO thankful for my peeps that came to celebrate my birthday. And to Ant again- THANK YOU!!!!- I know he is the one who organized the event because there were decotaions- pictures, balloons, a birthday table cloth, all complete with a cookie cake that matched the balloons. No straight man could've done that- well not my husband anyway. I had a blast! I got good presents too!! :D Thanks y'all! Our server was badass that night too...just sayin- bless little Allison's heart. :) Dinner was overall great! Then, we delivered cookie cake to beef's fam. I just love them!!! I feel like they're my own- after all these years they kinda are! lol

Then came Friday!! The hubby worked hard aaaaaalllll day long! Beef and I went swimming in the 12291 degree weather!!!(Really mother nature! Is all this necessary??) Yes, I put on sunscreen. No, we didnt burn lol. We had tons of fun! Then, it was time for beef to work. So, I dropped him off, came home and took a nap, then it was time for another birthday dinner! This one was my fave because it was the hubby and me :). We had good food, decent servive (JK), and decided to go out. Midnight bowling with the friends it was! We decided to go to south. SO glad Allison came :). Well, as luck would have it, we came up on a Mississippi roadblock. Thats the first roadblock I have ever been in. Good thing we were being prefect angels and passed :). We all bowled pretty well surprisingly. I beat Kenny once- my own personal mission! Congrats to Beef for kicking ass and winning both games. And props to Allison for bowling a turkey in the 10th frame!!! Get it girl!!!!! We went to eat, where I was serenaded "happy birthday" by my fave band- 1st degree. 

Then came Saturday- my actual birth date!! The day started off with 23823 fb notifications, phone calls, tweets, and texts- All of which I am thankful for!!! They made my day! The 3 amigos went swimming- no burning again! :) - where Kenny showed off his "washboard abs" then got sung by a wasp. karma isn't nice to liars....jk I know it hurt boo :(  . Ant went to work (his last Saturday there before his new job!! SO proud of you Mr. Manager!!!!!!!) and Kenny and I fell asleep- again. Something about the sun and water that makes you sleepy! After a long nap, we got up and went to another Birthday dinner- this made dinner #5 lol. This time with my parents. After dinner, was time for THE celebration!! This time we went north!!!! After Clay finally got here, we met friends up there  and the party was started!! I ended up in the Coors Light cowboy hat! I had SOOOO much fun!!!!!!!!!!! We went to Perkins to eat, and along the way, we stopped and chatted with the police on the side of the road with these pretty blue lights about our lights not being on (2 for 2 now!). Our favorite 3am-at-perkins-server and her crew sang me happy birthday!! Then we were finally on our way home! Special thanks to the husband for taking care of me and the beef for driving!!! Love yall!!!

Which should bring us to today. The husband and I are relaxing watching Men in Black while the beef is working his last shift before the new job. There is a birthday dinner today with just the guys and possible magic mike and madea lol! Then, one more dinner after this one!! 

SO, people have been asking what I got for my birthday from the husband and the Beef. Well, THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, WE ARE LEAVING FOR CHICAGO FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm riducuously excited if you can't tell. I am a traveler and Chicago is on my "bucket list of big cities". I am SO thankful to them for making it happen. And lets address this again, yes, I know I am spoiled. :)  *****Also, this will be a public service announcement- We do have a house sitter while we are gone so don't be thinking about doing nothing cray cray like jankin our shit while we are gone!!! Ok, I felt the need to say that with all these crazos roamin the earth these know, they ruin it for the sane people SMH***** I have been informed by my friends that they would like me to bring them a pizza home from Chicago. Lets think about this, do you REALLY think we are gonna make it 8 hours in the car with your pizza without eatin it? HELLO! lol. But I'll see what I can do! I cant wait!!

I have to say a very special THANK YOU! to my guys! Kenny and Anthony have went above and beyond to make this Birthday the best ever! Turning 25 was made much better! I am SO blessed! Love y'all!!

Apologies for the length today, but it was the short version of the last 4ish days! ha!
I hope everyone has a fabulous day!!! Time to get ready for another celebration!! :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Crazy Celebration wednesday!!!!!

Anthony- Thats me! I'm typing right now... Hehehehe Startin off i don't use periods, commas for where there suppose to go.... lol.... Ohh and i misspell stuff as well....I'm still trying to get use to this whole blog thing, it's kinda creepy, but then again it's really freaking awesome!!! I don't know a better way to tell our life stories than on here!! Today was a interesting day... of course you know started out with my Diet pills and my protein shake.... I'm all about being healthy.. it's ery important to stay in shape....Kenny is at work.... beth is at work... there both working really hard i bet......NOT.... no just kidding......( i'm really kidding) ..haha i really crack myself up..  They both are 2 really hard workers and they both love what they do!!!!!! I went to subway and got susan some lunch, then went over to her house and did a few things for her.....She's a dear friend of mine....afterwards i laid in the pool (continuoulsy getting my skin sucked by all the freaking sweat bees,) i have the whelps to prove it........trying to relax .... but no the neighbor just had to start the freaking lawnmower....( i'm trying to get some piece and quit and i can' even do that!!! Then I had to play some " jesus take the wheel" by Carrie underwood... that still didn't work... so of course i played some "like my mother does" By Lauren Alaina.... ( I'm her # 1 Fan) and i kept thinking to myself.... what would my mother do in this situation.....Hmmmm......Anyway the day went on i text beth, becky, laurabeth, kenny and called micah...We was trying to figure out a place to eat at tonite, none of us had decided.....Finally we decided to eat ATZIMBAS..... We always try and have a (going away dinner party for whoever is going out of town) Well beth didn't know that we had all this set up to suprise her for her birthday...Hehehehehehehe so i called becky and said " call me when you guys are leaving, so when you guys leave i can go ahead an tell beth and kenny to come".....I went and picked up  beths cookie cake, birthday card and balloons...... I got there i tied all the ballons up waited on becky and micah... they got there signed the birthday card......Beth is reapeatdly calling me because she thought that i was gonna meet them at the house and ride with them..... i never ansewered... i knew she would wonder " what the hell is going on"...Well beth and kenny walked in  and we yelled  out Suprise......" she was embarrased....lmao.. Bless it ...just a baby......We was eating.... and i was lookin an talking to becky and then turned and threw my hand up and knocked all the chips out of the womens hand and they all went over beth and her new here she is, with a chip stuck in here boob......they all said " way to go Grace" Grace as like Gracefully falling on stuff always hitting or messing up something..." get what i mean...if not oh well"..... Beth had then told me that she didn't want them to sing or too put whipped cream in her face...........UHHHHHHH HELLLO DID I TELL THEM TO SING AND OUT WHIPPED CREAM IN HER FACE?????????OF COURSE I DID!!!!! What kind of friend would i be if i didn't!!!!! Well they finally came out ( us all thinking that we had gotten shot) everyone looking different directions to make sure we was on a street corner in a bad city or well they come out and with her birthday dessert... well startiung off they never put anything on her face and so i got the spoon MYSELF and out it on her right well after that the women was waiting on her to get her hands out of her face ....then SLAM goes the plate with WHIPPED CREAM all in BETHANY'S face..... it was priceless.. the whole time she's saying words that i'm not even gonna put on here....( MRS. POTTY MOUTH).... cough cough... sorry hehehehehe....Well here we are everyone eating dessert telling me how bad a friend i am for putting whipped cream in her for the record...( i dont feel  bad about it at all) loved every moment of it.... We all said our good byes...went home.....sat and talked for and kenny went back and fourth playing pop o song.... of course i'm still winning.... then i went for a nice little walk around the block...  Now me and bethany are sitting on the couch.... her trying to talk to me knowing that i can't talk and type at the same time... she steadly going over here like a freaking robot....( i love you though)..... Well she told me i needed to stop because she said : you ain't writing no book.....damn!!!.....Night you guys.... hope you all enjoy:)